lunes, 17 de enero de 2011

How to Pronounce -ed of regular verbs in English

Today we will learn how to pronounce -ed of regular verbs in English. The question is: How do we pronounce the -ed? There are three different ways to pronounce the ‘ed’ ending of regular verbs in the simple past tense: / Id /,/ t / or / d /.
The pronunciation depends on the sound at the end of the infinitve of the main verb and whether it is voiced or not.

/Id/ infinitives that end in the sounds /t/ or /d/} wanted, ended

/t/ infinitives that end in a voiced sound }hoped, faxed, watched, liked

/d/ infinitives that end in an unvoiced sound }played, allowed, begged

A voiced sound is one that vibrates in your throat when you say it.

Now, let's practise!! Ask your teacher for the worksheet!!

  1. Listen the following words which end in -ed. How do you pronounce this ending correctly? Write the words into the correct column: /t/, /d/ and /Id/. ---finished, corrected, needed, smoked, frightened, worked, washed, packed, liked, showed, counted, climbed, collected, cleaned, helped, cooked, asked, escaped, started and played ---
  2. Dictation. Listen to the following sentences and write them down. After that, underline verbs in simple past and practise pronunciation.
  3. Add ten words (simple past verbs) to the list into the correct column.
  4. Give your teacher the worksheet in order to correct it.

I hope you enjoy it :-) !!

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